Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our little brinjals are four weeks old today, they are doing quite well, so far. Over the last few days, they have finally started to get a third leaf, which is still quite tiny, but at least it means we know something is happening. Still trying to work out where to put them as they need full sun, and that is going to mean a lot of digging out! I have bought a packet of watermelon seeds, but not got around to planting them yet.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Three weeks and 1 day

Didnt post yesterday because I have not been well. Yesterday was 3 weeks since we planted them. No real change except they have definitely grown taller! Weather has still not been great, with no real sunny days at all, today was the first day that it was sunny all day for weeks!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Growing Challenge - two weeks on.

Today marks two weeks since we planted our brinjals, and so far so good. We havent had that great weather only had a couple of sunny days, but they seem to be doing ok. All of those that we planted have come up, but one doesnt seem to be growing too well. It is growing, but just slowly. Anyway, I didnt expect all 12 plants to come up at all, so I guess that we will have loads of brinjals, if things carry on like this.